Get “Eye​.​爱​.​Ai​.​I” (Part 1 and 2) for free ! Release party 26 of May 2016 at Yugong Yishan.

The first 20 people to answer this email will get a free download code for both Part 1 and Part 2 !


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eye 1

Picture by Clancy Lethbridge 


What is it that we see with our eyes ? What is it that we perceive ?

The same sound can mean different things “Eye” in English is “Ai” (Love) in Chinese.

Am “I” what my “eye” can see ? Am I what I love or the mirror of the ones who love me ?

Recorded in Beijing in 2016, the two parts of “Eye​.​爱​.​Ai​.​I” are 50 minutes of music on one album in two parts.

This play on words is a way to explore once more the depth of possibilities given by looking at the world from 

different perspectives.

Recorded in Beijing with Nicolas Mège, Clancy Lethbridge, Octavio, Nora, Nalc and Dick Marvel.

“Eye​.​爱​.​Ai​.​I” part 1 and 2 are a sequel to “Bridges” part 1 and 2. 

The bridges have been crossed.

In this album, mainly based on instruments electric zhongruan and electric pipa (both of my own designs),

I have tried to extend once more the possibilities of these instruments, with the goal to integrate them in a more global

idea of music, for them not to only be instruments belonging to a place in space and time in the past

but to a global culture that is everyday built by millions of people around the world.

We can be anything we want, if we allow ourselves to be.

Enjoy the music.

 Djang San.

Come See us at Yugong Yishan on the 26 of May, Ticket are here

YGYS 2016张思安

New Djang San album “Eye​.​爱​.​Ai​.​I” (Part 1 and 2) out today.

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eye 1

What is it that we see with our eyes ? What is it that we perceive ?

The same sound can mean different things “Eye” in English is “Ai” (Love) in Chinese.

Am “I” what my “eye” can see ? Am I what I love or the mirror of the ones who love me ?

Recorded in Beijing in 2016, the two parts of “Eye​.​爱​.​Ai​.​I” are 50 minutes of music on one album in two parts.

This play on words is a way to explore once more the depth of possibilities given by looking at the world from 

different perspectives.

Recorded in Beijing with Nicolas Mège, Clancy Lethbridge, Octavio, Nora, Nalc and Dick Marvel.

“Eye​.​爱​.​Ai​.​I” part 1 and 2 are a sequel to “Bridges” part 1 and 2. 

The bridges have been crossed.

In this album, mainly based on instruments electric zhongruan and electric pipa (both of my own designs),

I have tried to extend once more the possibilities of these instruments, with the goal to integrate them in a more global

idea of music, for them not to only be instruments belonging to a place in space and time in the past

but to a global culture that is everyday built by millions of people around the world.

We can be anything we want, if we allow ourselves to be.

Enjoy the music.

 Djang San.

Come See us at Yugong Yishan on the 26 of May, Ticket are here

YGYS 2016张思安

36 years – 36 albums – Djang San – New Album Release Party – 26 of May at Yugong Yishan in Beijing.

Buy your tickets here.

YGYS 20168light

Buy your tickets here.

I am 36 this year, this is my 36th album, the 26 of May at Yugong Yishan will mark the release of this 36th album.

Come listen to the music live at Yugong Yishan on the 26 of May where I will be accompanied by Nicolas Mège and Carlo V. Fuentes on drums, bass player Clancy Lethbridge and a few more guests.






After 35 albums, Djang San comes back with a new album on 26th of May at Yugong Yishan.

Much anticipation and mystery is surrounding this new release that will be unveiled only a few days before the concert.

An artist with many different faces, Djang San has released all kinds of music from any style including jazz, electronic music, rock, world music, Chinese folk,

rock, experimental and more….

In 2011 Djang San won the Battle of the Bands in Mainland China and Greater China against about 100 bands with the band he had founded « The Amazing Insurance Salesmen ».

Since 2000 he has been re-inventing Chinese instruments zhongruan and pipa by transforming the use of these instruments into modern music.

His music also extends to philosophical concepts and to the need to advocate more exchanges and understanding between different cultures.

After touring Korea in 2015, Djang San will play Japan in the summer of 2016, catch him and his band at YGYS !

晚9点 // 100元(现场)/ 70元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 9 // Rmb 100 (door) / 70 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)


“december3am”, the duo that sprung out of Mongolian fusion music band “Horse Radio” will he opening the show.

It is an incredible duo of musicians whose music will make you travel through incredible auditive textures.


“Former Horse Radio members DaLai and LaoDu return as december3am.
They play postpostpre-rock.”

YGYS 20169light


Djang San + Band has been invited to play in Japan in the summer of 2016, spread the news !

It is confirmed, and we have our plane tickets !

After playing Korea last year in October, Djang San, Carlo V. Fuentes and Clancy Lethbridge will be bringing the music of the electric zhongruan and more for the first time to Japan :-).

Djang San (ジャンサン)、本名エリー ジャン・セバスチャンさんは中国のアンダーグラウンドミュージックシーンで有名で認められたアーティストです。彼が出した複数のアルバムを聴くと特別な体験になります。彼の個性的なスタイルはラジオでよく聴く中国ポップとアングロサクソンバラエティとかなり違います。 自分の音楽を”エクスペリメンタルミュージックとエレクトロとジャズとロックとクラシックミュージックと中国と欧米文化の宇宙交配”と説明します。 彼のスタイルは実際にユニークです。 最近のアルバムのタイトル”Music Dumplings” (音楽餃子)がその種々な様式からうまれた音楽スタイルを現してます。ただし、一つ一つのアルバム、一つ一つの曲が特有な味わいを持ちながら全体が調和してて、彼の帰化した国中国の文化と同じく、豊富な変化を付けた音楽になってます。 ピーパーとチョンルアンという中国の伝統的な楽器をエレキにした彼が、ジャズとロックと民俗音楽とエレクトロとエクスペリメンタルミュージック等を通してその楽器を生き替えらせました。 30個以上のアルバムをだして、ジャンサンは間も無くバンドと一緒に日本にやってきます!2016年の8月、はこだて国際民俗芸術祭に出ます。見逃さないで下さい!

In the meantime, see you at Yugong Yishan on the 26 of May !

YGYS 2016


More infos soon !张思安

Free 8 Bit album and a Festival in Japan in the near future….Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

I  am happy to announce that after playing Korea in 2015, Djang San + Band has been selected to play the World Music Festival in Hokkaido, Japan, for the summer of 2016.

Here’s what Hokkaido looks like.

Hokkaidomap-en japan-hokkaido- Spring flowers hokkaido th map


For this year’s christmas I have decided to give a new album for free download.

It’s called “8 Bit Boy” and it’s a sort of hommage to my childhood memories of video games.

Download it for free or contribute to my wallet for the next album 🙂 here.


“8 Bit Boy” is built on the idea of a fictional video game with 8 Bit Boy, the hero of the game, being at the center of it. Imagine a game close to the idea of Super Mario or another platform game from the 80’s, this is its sound track.

See you soon !

The Beijing Underground Showcase #2




DJ Oshi will be presenting a special set for the Beijing Underground Showcase. 

From the humble beginnings of a local DJ, through to headlining famous club nights and parties on either sides of the globe, Oshi’s musical career has been a rocky ride to the stars. His technical ability to pull sounds from the most unlikely range of genres, combined to provide audibly stunning tracks and remixes has given him somewhat of an impressive reputation in and out of industry circles. 

Starting in 2000 as a DJ for the first independent radio station in his native France, Oshi’s skills as a turntablist and Electro Hip Hop producer forced him into the limelight. He was quickly given the opportunity to present his own Hip Hop show, gaining the respect of both his peers and his rivals. He went on to remix a number of songs for well known Hip Hop producers and Electro bands such as Sayag Jazz Machine (PIAS) and Gong Gong to name a few.

As a producer, Oshi has many advantages when it comes to DJing and with so many years spent invested in the music that he loves, OSHI’s skills allows him to use a unique method for creating originals sets for his audience. Simply through conversation, the emotion and passion he feels is evident and is reflected throughout his work. OSHI has been smashing dancefloors and never failing to deliver an unforgettable night ever since.

Spotting a market opening for his distinctive style, OSHI is now focusing on bringing a new electro vibe into the Asian scene by combining his production, remixes, bootlegs and turntablism skills in a hype mash-up of Electro, Gansta House, HipHop, techno and Dubstep. He is undoubtedly one of the hottest choice’s in Asia, providing the ultimate selection of latest and retro tracks for the club scene.

Horse Radio:

Horse Radio will be presenting a special duo set “Two Horses”  for the Beijing Underground Showcase. 

Mongolians bands are a dime a dozen nowadays. And let’s be honest, it’s gonna be hard to top Hanggai. But that’s precisely why Horse Radio (formerly Taan Towch) have caught my attention this year. They aren’t trying to be rock stars. It’s relatable, accessible, genuine, and most importantly full of life.
Will Griffith, LiveBeijingMusic 《Best Bands 2014》



Quotes from Dr. Smartass, one of Beijing’s premier underground music promoters

Punk is not merely a musical genre but a spirit and onceyou check out NAKOMA you’ll see that it’s not always what you say but how much heart you put into what you play, and nobody who has seen NAKOMA can deny that theur intricate musicianship is punk-as-fuck and pure heart”

The tandem of Tim and Nico trade off guitar and bass riffs like a sonic Batman and Robin. Percussionist Linda Westman pounds out the Bat-signal with her intricate beats. Within the first minute of their set you will hear why Linda is hailed by many as one of the best drummers performing in Beijing today”

Here’s the brass tacks, and if you don’t like it, well tough shit because I speak in rock’n’roll FACT. This is NAKOMA. For the uninitiated, this IS prog punk. This IS the legacy of what Greg Ginn – long before he lost his fucking mind and had benefits to take care of his fucking cats – was doing all the way back with BLACK FLAG on half of the “Family Man” Album and pretty much all of the “Process of Weeding Out”, except that this is light years beyond that because, unlike BLACK FLAG back in the early 80s – people GET IT now (and also: all three members of NAKOMA are sane people … Fuck the “stoner rock” moniker. Save that for WHAI or other bands that basically sound like video game music. THIS is rock’n’roll. THIS is fucking punk. The only thing better is watching and hearing them do it live (‘cause you can’t see Nicola Mazzei barefoot and gonzo, and both he and Tim moving around like orbiting satellites to Linda, who is the planet locked in the orbit of percussion)”

Album streaming and download

Online video

Online presence

Booking contact


Djang San + Band:张思安与乐队:

Re-inventor of Chinese classical instruments zhongruan and pipa by electrification, philosopher, poet, composer, guitar hero, DJ, one man orchestra, music pioneer and explorer of new sounds, Djang San has been doing music in China since the year 2000. An artist with many faces, Djang San has also won the battle of the bands in Mainland China and Hong Kong against 100 bands in the year 2011.

Djang San has so far released 35 albums, the music styles of the albums range from Jazz to electro, rock, classical music, experimental music and more. Creator of a theory of intelligence, the personality of Djang San takes many different shapes in his many different projects.

As a one man band, Djang San plays seven different instruments on stage including guitar, flutes, electronic devices and synthesizers.

Djang San + Band is an extension of Djang San, a trio based on an electric version of Chinese instrument zhongruan he has created himself in 2014. The band is now extending its playlist to all of Djang San’s albums. The Amazing Insurance Salesmen, a band started in 2009, is Djang San’s attempt to link psychedelic rock, math rock and punk rock.

As a DJ, DJ 3San creates a mix between modern electro and techno with samples of jazz, blues, and classical music. Djang San also plays Jazz, bossa nova, and other styles of music with other musicians in China.



Noise Arcade:


Noise Arcade is a solo, live electronic project that is based in Beijing. Over the past two years, Noise Arcade has toured China, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Germany, and The Netherlands. In addition to touring, Noise Arcade has released a series of albums for several different labels including Nasty Wizard Recordings, Metaphysical Circuits, and MetalPostcard. The album called ‘Selective Memory’ recorded for Huashan Records based in Shanghai was selected by Smart Shanghai as one of the best albums for 2014. 
Noise Arcade是一個來自北京的單人現場即興電子計劃。過去兩年來Noise Arcade把中國,南韓,日本,印度尼西亞,馬來西亞,新加坡,德國和荷蘭都巡迴了一遍。除了巡演之外,Noise Arcade還在一堆不同的廠牌下發行了一堆風格各異的專輯,包括了鬼鬼祟祟發起的廠牌Nasty Wizard Recordings, 還有此前發行了上海噪音搖滾二人組Pairs和上海單人樂隊炸脖龍專輯的Metal Postcard廠牌。而在上海的Huashan Records廠牌下發行的專輯 ‘Selective Memory’ 更被Smart Shanghai 選為2014年的最佳專輯之一。



Josh Feola has been active in Beijing’s scene since 2009 as a writer, curator and musician, most notably as former drummer of Chui Wan and now of Subs. Now he’s added yet another line to his CV: Charm, a solo electronic music project. He talks to Liz Tung about his newest creative outlet

How do you describe your music?
I would call it a field recording- and percussion-based drone. I think drone is a key word because it’s really amorphous; sometimes there’s a semblance of a beat or a rhythm or some kind of structure but it fades away very quickly.
You’ve played in bands as a drummer. How is this different?
For me this is the first time I’m doing a band [where] I call all the shots. Everything is coming from me, so there’s no one else to fall back on. I have no background as a songwriter, so thinking about making music on my own is the biggest difference.
So is it all improvisation?
It’s like 99.999 percent improvised; I don’t even really practice.
What kind of mood, if any, are you trying to evoke when you play?
Contemplative, I guess. In someways it’s me trying to recreate my own sonic memories, which aren’t directly correlated to any specific mood. In general it’s a bit dark, but it’s not depressing – I guess sombre would be the word for it.
Your approach to music is fairly intellectual.
Yeah, I’m definitely hyper contextualised, so on one hand I’m always thinking about how I can make what I’m doing meaningful in the context of the Beijing music scene. But on the other hand, I still have that kind of punk strain where I want to viscerally affect people. I’m not doing 30-second powerviolence songs, but I am using sound to shake people up and get them out of their normal state.


Little Punk:

Little Punk” is the English-turned-stage name-turned amorphous broken folk project of Jiangxi province singer and songwriter Huang Pei. Her musicis simple and complex, wry and wrenching minimal acoustic compositions that tell stories of depression, desperation, love, and happiness. Her debut record was self-released in 2012, and since then, she’s moved to Beijing and played sporadic shows here and there, whilst also working on an acting and film career.  Currently,she’s writing new material, playing with different Beijing musicians, and working on new releases for Beijing-based vinyl label Genjing.

Orange Bud:

Orange Bud is the brain child of bass player and DJ, Peter Stone. This up and coming band explores a wide range of styles from Dub, or Minimal, Deep, funk and anything in the fringes of genre conventions. All under a shroud of jazz and auditory pop culture inserts.

On Bass, machines : Peter Stone
On Drums : Marco Bangs.
On keyboard : Thomas Klein
On Saxophones : Fabrice Genfould


Life is full of questions. Why is the sky blue? What is the purpose of existence? There is, however, one question that stands out amongst the rest… What on Earth is ‘Zhege’?! The answer to this question is too complex and profound to be put into words, so we will tell you only this. 4 contrastingly unique personalities united with one goal in mind; To play loud music and make some cool sh**. This is Zhege.

Dreams of Blue Ocean, New album out.


Click on the cover or copy the link below to listen to the music.

“Dreams of Blue Ocean” is the soundtrack to “Sun Moon Bay”, a film about a crew of kids surfing in Hainan, a Chinese island located south of Guangzhou. The film is about their hopes and their dreams as they face challenges in their lives.
In 2013, as I went to play a solo set for a festival in Haikou, the capital of Hainan, I met with Emily Shen, a radio host at the local radio station. She liked my performance and asked me if I wanted to compose music for a film about surf in Hainan her and director Jeremy Trylch had started to make.
It’s a beautiful film.
I have gathered my experience as a musician to give some meaning to the music and to adapt to the mood of the film.In these tracks, I’ve been using quite a range of Chinese instruments like the Pipa, the Ruan, a few flutes, percussions, and I have also explored the possibilities of electronic music.I hope you’ll like it, the film will come out in the next few months, a film not to be missed ! 

A few words from Jeremy Trylch and Emily Shen, the two persons who made this film happen:
« We started filming Sun Moon Bay in early 2013. We initially thought it was going to be a fairly straightforward film about the birth of surf culture in China, but very quickly realized the subject matter was far richer and more meaningful than we could ever have imagined. »
« It’s a film about hope and despair, with the hope in the film being ultimately all the stronger for being hard-won. »« In terms of the story arc, we could not believe our luck. The year and a half of filming took us from the point when the local village children began a surf training program to the eventual entry of the protagonist Huang Yingying in her first international surfing competition. »
« The film is as true and honest as we ourselves could make it. » « Having started out thinking we were making a film about the birth of surf culture, we have completed the process with a much stronger film that deals with major themes, done in a moving way, with attractive characters and a beautiful story arc. We could not be happier. »张思安

The Goat Who Fell From Earth



“In 20084 the end of the world has happened, generically modified goats are drifting in space looking for the sacred camembert that will save the universe.
One of these goats, Brandon Dupont is the leader of these heros of a new kind.
Helped by his buddy Jean Claude, they face all dangers to be able one day to save the universe.”

“En 20084, la fin du monde est enfin arrivée
Des moutons ayant mutés génétiquement erent dans l’espace à la recherche du camembert sacré qui sauvera l’univers
Un de ces moutons, Brandon Dupont, est le leader de ces héros d’un nouvel acabis, aider de son acolyte Jean Claude, ils bravent tous les dangers pour pouvoir un jour sauver l’univers.”

“The goat who fell from earth” is the brainchild of two Beijing based composers, Djang San and Octavio. Mixing rock, electro and cinematic music “The goat who fell from earth” tells the story of two goats travelling through space, an experience like not other.

To read the whole story of Brandon Dupont and his friend Jean Claude, go to the Bandcamp page of the album

Djang San is a Beijing based French composer who has been composing music for the last 20 years, releasing more than 30 albums. He is also a multi-instrumentalist and re-inventor of Chinese classical instruments such as Ruan and Pipa.

Octavio is an incarnation of Christopher O’Young, a savage detective, multi-instrumentalist and composer based between Beijing and Melbourne.

Special thanks to the Beijing based musicians who have also participated in the making of this incredible album:

Marie Claude Lebel (Mademoiselle et son orchestre) on vocals, accordion, and spoons.


Mathew Parker on Trumpet and Ukulélé.


Randy Abel on harp and vocals.


Richard Barnes on electric guitar and slide guitar (on Post War Syndrome)


Carlo V. Fuentes on vocals.


the goat 6

More from Djang San:


More from Christopher O’Young:

“Bridges” part 2, new album out now.

Bridges part 2


                                                        Cover photo by Christopher Héry


This is the second part of “Bridges”, a double album dedicated to the electric zhongruan, an instrument created by Djang San.

“Bridges” part 1 and 2, as well as the former album “Tofu électrique” are based on an idea of an evolution of music.

By modernizing ancient Chinese instruments through electrification, the goal is to change the fate of these instruments, and to use what’s considered as the past to create new music for the present and the future. 

This is not only a cross over between past and future, this is also a cross over between musical styles and between World cultures and civilizations. 

The goal of that music is to create new ideas and open the mind of the listener to new possibilities in culture and art.

As we live in a globalized economy, we also live in a more and more globalized culture. 

Globalizing culture doesn’t necessarily mean destroying one for the benefit of another, it can also mean sharing points of views and integrate those cultures into one another.

All the songs on this album are played using the zhongruan at the center of each of the songs. In every song the instrument is put in different musical situations in order to create something new.


 Track 1: Music Baozi:

“Music Baozi” could be considered to be a sequel to “Music dumpling”, a track  released in 2014 on the album “Music Dumplings”.This is an electronic track mixing synthesizers and electric distorted zhongruan.

Track 2: Shenme Shi:

This is a new version of a song I have been playing for more than ten years now, a track I have composed in 2002, one of the first to be a crossover in between Western folk-rock and Chinese folk. This is a rockier version of the song.

Track 3: An Italian in Beijing:

ALBUM RELEASE 5 30 2015-062 (14)

Improvised on the first day of recording of this album by the band playing together, this song is the “part 2” of “Someone else”, a song from the “Bridges” (part 1) album. The lyrics of the song also were completely improvised in Italian, on the spot, by bass player Steno.

Track 4: A Bridge to the Moon:

Improvised on the second day of recording as I was alone in the studio, this track is inspired by European classical music and Mongolian folk, it is once again a bridge between cultures and music styles.

Track 5: She said:

This track was inspired by the music of bands such as Cabaret Voltaire, Joy Division, New Order, Dépêche Mode, Kraftwerk and more bands which were creating a music revolution from 1975 to the early 1980’s, using more synthesizers in the music. Here, the zhongruan sound is highly inspired by synthesizer sounds and the sound of the synthesizer mixes with the zhongruan sound.

Track 6: Tsigane Anoushka:

Tsigane Anoushka is a song I have learnt from Chinese folk band “The Wild Children” in 2002 as I was playing in their bar, “The River” every wednesday night in the now destroyed South Sanlitun street. The band would play there almost every weekend and I got the chance to share musical and traveling experience with them. I later discovered this song is a gypsy music standard played all over Central Asia and in Russia, I even discovered an African version of it a few weeks ago.

Tsigane Anoushka is the name I have given to it, but this song has many different names. This is my electric zhongruan version of it.

Track 7: Gobi (version 2):

This is a different version of Gobi, a track about wandering in the desert that we always try to play slightly differently at every concert. On this version of the track I have added synthesizers and noises and pushed the sound of the zhongruan a bit.

About the cover:

The photo on the cover of this album was taken by artist and photographer Christopher Héry somewhere in France.

Visit his website here:

On the cover, their are 8 “Bridges” Chinese characters represented by the character “桥”. One of these represents the album and the concept as a whole, while the 7 others represent each of the 7 tracks.


I sincerely hope you will like this album in which I put all my heart as every time.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions !

More music will be released soon again !


Sincerely yours,

Djang San.

With Steno on bass and Carlo V. Fuentes on drums.

Listen to and buy “Bridges” (part 2) here:


Fête de la musique 2015 everywhere in Beijing this sunday ! (and more)



Djang San + Band is playing once again at Mao Livehouse around 11PM this year for Fête de la Musique in Beijing. The band will also be at the 77 Theatre (Meishouguan Houjie 77) on a stage outside at 6:30PM.

Please check the Fête de le musique website for infos as well as the Beijing Underground website

The Beijing Underground website and the Facebook group are media sponsors for this year’s Fête de la musique for the first time.

Check the official promotion video for the festival here on Youku and on Youtube.





XP is closing ! The XP bar in Beijing, home of experimental music in the capital is closing in July.

I’ll be playing a last show at XP on the 24 of June and will share the stage with Noise Arcade and Jia Huizhen.

It’s been a long time since I haven’t played a solo show in Beijing so here’s the opportunity to see it.

I’ll play around 10PM, hope to see you there.张思安




Tonight, cross the “Bridges” to the other side.

Temple bar May 2015 release


Djang San + Band bridges cover

 With the special participation of VJ Guibog and a mysterious long-bearded long-haired DJ (we’ll call DJ CD) to round up the bill !

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