36 years – 36 albums – Djang San – New Album Release Party – 26 of May at Yugong Yishan in Beijing.
Buy your tickets here.
Buy your tickets here.
I am 36 this year, this is my 36th album, the 26 of May at Yugong Yishan will mark the release of this 36th album.
Come listen to the music live at Yugong Yishan on the 26 of May where I will be accompanied by Nicolas Mège and Carlo V. Fuentes on drums, bass player Clancy Lethbridge and a few more guests.
After 35 albums, Djang San comes back with a new album on 26th of May at Yugong Yishan.
Much anticipation and mystery is surrounding this new release that will be unveiled only a few days before the concert.
An artist with many different faces, Djang San has released all kinds of music from any style including jazz, electronic music, rock, world music, Chinese folk,
rock, experimental and more….
In 2011 Djang San won the Battle of the Bands in Mainland China and Greater China against about 100 bands with the band he had founded « The Amazing Insurance Salesmen ».
Since 2000 he has been re-inventing Chinese instruments zhongruan and pipa by transforming the use of these instruments into modern music.
His music also extends to philosophical concepts and to the need to advocate more exchanges and understanding between different cultures.
After touring Korea in 2015, Djang San will play Japan in the summer of 2016, catch him and his band at YGYS !
晚9点 // 100元(现场)/ 70元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 100 (door) / 70 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)
“december3am”, the duo that sprung out of Mongolian fusion music band “Horse Radio” will he opening the show.
It is an incredible duo of musicians whose music will make you travel through incredible auditive textures.
Djang San + Band has been invited to play in Japan in the summer of 2016, spread the news !
It is confirmed, and we have our plane tickets !
After playing Korea last year in October, Djang San, Carlo V. Fuentes and Clancy Lethbridge will be bringing the music of the electric zhongruan and more for the first time to Japan :-).
Djang San (ジャンサン)、本名エリー ジャン・セバスチャンさんは中国のアンダーグラウンドミュージックシーンで有名で認められたアーティストです。彼が出した複数のアルバムを聴くと特別な体験になります。彼の個性的なスタイルはラジオでよく聴く中国ポップとアングロサクソンバラエティとかなり違います。 自分の音楽を”エクスペリメンタルミュージックとエレクトロとジャズとロックとクラシックミュージックと中国と欧米文化の宇宙交配”と説明します。 彼のスタイルは実際にユニークです。 最近のアルバムのタイトル”Music Dumplings” (音楽餃子)がその種々な様式からうまれた音楽スタイルを現してます。ただし、一つ一つのアルバム、一つ一つの曲が特有な味わいを持ちながら全体が調和してて、彼の帰化した国中国の文化と同じく、豊富な変化を付けた音楽になってます。 ピーパーとチョンルアンという中国の伝統的な楽器をエレキにした彼が、ジャズとロックと民俗音楽とエレクトロとエクスペリメンタルミュージック等を通してその楽器を生き替えらせました。 30個以上のアルバムをだして、ジャンサンは間も無くバンドと一緒に日本にやってきます!2016年の8月、はこだて国際民俗芸術祭に出ます。見逃さないで下さい!
In the meantime, see you at Yugong Yishan on the 26 of May !
More infos soon !