Croisements 2013: “Les Hommes Debout”. Expo in Beijing, Wuhan, Shanghai, Zhongshan.

Lend an ear to The Standing Men

(Des Hommes Debout),

these phosphorescent mannequins are purveyors of

stories, words and culture, they will light up with

words and colors, with the contact of the public.


Last winter, I gave my voice for some weird recordings. The result is here: “Les Hommes Debout”. My voice, as well as voices from other artists living in China is used to personify the mannequins.

If you are in Beijing, you can see the expo at the “ART BEIJING” Expo: from the 29 to the 2 of May. The mannequins

will then be moved to Penghao theater until the 12 of May, before moving to Wuhan, then Shanghai and finally Zhongshan.

Here is the pitch: 


“The Standing Men is a suprising and welcoming interactive

installation, that has been specially adapted to the Chinese audience

within the frame of Croisements Festival. They hail the passers-by and

invite them into a dialogue. They tell their stories in Chinese, wonder

about life and the environment they occupy. The audience is not only a

spectator but also touches, speaks, answers, plays along and engages in

a tactile dialogue with these luminous beings with often funny and

unexpected comebacks. Children and adults, come touch them, listen to

them, hug them, and in turn, whisper some words into their ear, The

Standing Men will answer in words, lights, and colors. Valentin Durif,

Victor Roux and Pierre Amoudruz, three designers of the installation

worked in residence in Beijing. The voices of Hu Ge Ji Le Tu (Ajinai),

Randy Abel, Liu Yusi, Djang San, Xiao He,

Xiong Liang and other passers-by, lenders of stories are used as main

material of the installation.


More infos here:


See you soon !张思安

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