



他无疑大大革新了这一中国传统乐器的使用。乐队整体风格多样,像是带有中国风格的民谣,兼具摇滚、爵士、电子等其他乐风。张思安原名让-塞巴斯蒂安·艾利。他于2000年踏上中国的土地。2010年,他以“保险超人乐队”参加了中国摇滚大赛, 并在中国大陆和香港地区赢得冠军。他一直在电子和实验音乐领域孜孜不倦地探索。他的音乐很难归类。他是第一个用中阮作曲的外国人,也是第一位使用这一乐器演奏爵士乐和摇滚乐 的音乐家。



张思安把这样一种大多数国人都没听说过的乐器玩出了花。2013 年,他发行了一张中阮合集。听着他操着一口还算流利的中文,缓缓弹着中国传统民族乐器,唱着简单朴实的中文歌词,真是一种神奇的体验。他还有许多有趣的个人项目,比如向 8-bit 致敬的《8 Bit Boy》,还有电琵琶实验专辑《试验电琵琶》。打开他的 BANDCAMP 主页,三十多张专辑让人眼花缭乱,在惊叹他的高产的同时,也惊异于他对于音乐可能性探索的执着和态度。


他2006年 组建了“了不起的JSB!”乐队,进行世界音乐的探索。他们自称是地球上唯一一支“有着唱中文歌的法国主唱和巨大音乐包容性的乐队”。


2013 年,他组建了一支新的乐队“张思安与乐队”(Djang San + Band),进行更广泛的音乐探索。这支乐队的风格很难被定义,它包含着车库、民谣、实验、爵士、电子、等等。


张思安与乐队最近去了韩国和日本的音乐节演出,2017年5月份又参加了韩国的« Seoul Music Week » .

Zhang Si’an at Yugong Yishan in Beijing in 2008


他03年开始弹中国的一个民族乐器,中阮. 现在他用中阮弹各种风格的音乐.
他的 Summertime 的版本很特别因为张思安是第一个用中阮弹爵士的人。


















张思安如是说。 对于一个做了10多年音乐的音乐人来说,











三人组成“保险超人乐队”(The amazing insurance salesmen




并开始参加不同的音乐节并录制了他们自己的EP “Escape”















2000年张思安第一次来中国,并写了他的第一首中文歌。而后他又写了8张中文或部分中文的专辑 。


王娟、万 晓利……。


那张专辑由莲花山民谣重新混合而成,其中一 首歌是由新疆乐器Rivapu演奏的。

张思安把中国古诗加入到他的音乐当中。歌曲《陋室铭》(Jianlou house)和《天净沙·秋思》(Free me)便是很好的例子。

张思安也为他不同的乐队创作法文,西语或英语的歌曲。其中一些歌曲是 用中国乐器(中阮,葫芦丝等等)或吉他演奏的,

The Beijing Underground Winter Music Days !

Spread on 3 different days (18 January, 19 January and 20 January) The Beijing Underground’s Sweet Winter Music Days goal is to celebrate music in a different way.

北京地下的冬天音乐日:The Beijing Underground’s Sweet Winter Music Days.

11 Bands, 3 Days, 3 Venues, and an Art Market !

Promo video link in China:


Promo video link in the rest of the world:


Tydi Knots: 

Tydi Knots is Rudi and Tyron. Combining the classical influences with their already experimental rock sounds, they create a new soundscape that crosses various genres. Playing as a 2 piece they have a large sound and also play various sets and interpretations of their original songs. A unique show that is both enticing and intimate exciting as well as memorable. Their sound is difficult to set to a genre as they draw inspiration and influences from all various genres and styles of music, but the band’s musical style can be described as a mix between alternative, indie pop, rock, post rock, ambient and experimental rock.

Russian Roulette:

Russian roulette is a middle school punk band from Beijing. Since its establishment in 2016, the band has survived hardly because their songs are sick, performances are bad. But they have lots of fans for their All-in performance every time. You will never know what would happen during the drunk boys’ destroying performances. Their music is a mix between punk and classic rock music of the 1970s…

Come to the show to meet them and know them !

北京middle school朋克乐队。自2016年成立以来一直苟活在北京的地下摇滚圈,演黄了一个又一个live house,成为了当之无愧的北京难听之王。尽管很难听,还是受到了人们的喜爱,因为看他们的演出就像看马戏,你永远不知道醉酒后的他们会做出什么令人发指的事儿来。从他们身上你会看到70年代的胡逼,80年代的华丽,90年代的进步和00年代的先进。


Beijing based electro metal band that will melt your faces off!!!

The future starts now!!!

“That’s the kind of music I like to listen to (…) it’s harder, harder and harder to find good bands cuz’ we’ve been doing heavy metal music for for 30 f***’ plus years (…) you guys just f**’ blew my nuts off…”

-Dave Brockie (GWAR)

Scare the Children

Scare the Children was formed in August of 2014 as a concept band that draws inspiration from all things horror. The music, the lyrics, the art work, the costumes and the stage props are all interwound to tell a horror story that is both frightening and compelling.

With a heavy sound that combines groove metal and punk, adding elaborate piano parts, Scare the Children attempts to create a truly immerse experience for the concert going audience that stretches beyond music, bringing in a bone-chilling show to anyone who witnesses it.

Scare The Children是一支金属乐队,成立于2014年8月, 用音乐与舞台效果讲述鬼魂附身的洋娃娃Betsy与一位小男孩交往的故事。相识后,Betsy与小男孩分离,一年复一年时间流逝,小洋娃娃一直在寻找旧主。乐队的目标是给观众创造一种完全植入性的体验,通过穿上娃娃服装和使用台上的视觉效果来超越音乐的限制。乐队在阵容编制上很有特色,首先乐队为了营造以低频为主的效果,舍去偏高频的吉它,干脆启用两把贝斯作为主要乐器(一把五弦,一把六弦)。而且站在前排的贝斯手是伴唱,而坐在最后面的鼓手才是真正的主唱大人。

Electric Sewage:

Hailing from the frozen wastelands of Siberia, Alex Sinchuck found his hands too cold to play guitar, and so migrated to warmer climates to learn to ways of love, surfing, and rock’n roll. His trail of broken hearts soon led to Beijing, heart of China, where he plays his guitar throughout the city where the name “Alex” will not soon be forgotten.

Chris Saunders, born in Asia, a citizen of America, with heritage from the middle east and raised in Europe, has been called “the man from nowhere”. They say he even now wanders the dark hutongs of Beijing, playing dice with strangers and playing music in the smoky bars of a city with a heart of metal.

Chuck Cooper was born to a life of duality, half English and half American. Caught between the conflicts of two rival nations, he vowed to search the earth for a rhythm that would mend the rift between his two halves. His journey soon took him to the ancient land of drums and gongs, and within Beijing he captures every rhythm he can, in hopes that one of them will bring peace and unity to the Old World and the New.

The Peppercorns:

The Peppercorns is a band that plays heavy psychedelic rock music rooted in classic 70’s style, drawing inspiration from prog and art rock. The band is guitar heavy with experimental synth while still maintaining a pop sensibility. Fronted by Edog Wonderlogg II with Kangaroo Zhong and XianXX on guitar, Brain 2.0 on drums, Yan Von3000 on bass and Andrew the lone wolf on synth/violin.

飞椒乐队(The Peppercorns)成立于2016年初的北京,创作风格深受六七十年代前卫、艺术摇滚的影响,保持旋律性的同时,结构复杂多变,极具创新性。合成器,特雷门琴,与迷幻吉他音色的融合,赋予了飞椒乐队一种无法定义的神秘感。




如同“Backspace”一词,这是一支充满数字化时代年轻人敏感气质的乐队。Motorik 式鼓点、紧凑而戏剧性的贝斯、大段吉他配合时而冲浪音乐般清亮婉转,时而凶兆显现般冥响嚎叫。充满随意性和挑衅性。

Like the word “Backspace,” This is a band filled with the sensitive temperament of young people in the digital age. Motorik-style drums, compact and dramatic bass, a large guitar, and sometimes surf music as clear as the sound of the ominous appearance of howling. Full of randomness and aggressiveness.


Djang San, an artist who has released more than 40 albums since 2003, is now exploring electronic music and pushing the boundaries of electro-folk as a solo one man band.

Djang San has toured extensively in 2017 both solo and with his trio, two times in South Korea and one time in Japan where he has also released an album on CD that is available in stores across Japan.

He has also played several festivals and concerts in China in 2017 and released a quadruple album, a trio album and another solo album.


他无疑大大革新了这一中国传统乐器的使用。乐队整体风格多样,像是带有中国风格的民谣,兼具摇滚、爵士、电子等其他乐风。张思安原名让-塞巴斯蒂安·艾利。他于2000年踏上中国的土地。2010年,他以“保险超人乐队”参加了中国摇滚大赛 并在中国大陆和香港地区赢得冠军。他一直在电子和实验音乐领域孜孜不倦地探索。他的音乐很难归类。他是第一个用中阮作曲的外国人,也是第一位使用这一乐器演奏爵士乐和摇滚乐 的音乐家。



张思安把这样一种大多数国人都没听说过的乐器玩出了花。2013 年,他发行了一张中阮合集。听着他操着一口还算流利的中文,缓缓弹着中国传统民族乐器,唱着简单朴实的中文歌词,真是一种神奇的体验。他还有许多有趣的个人项目,比如向 8-bit 致敬的《8 Bit Boy》,还有电琵琶实验专辑《试验电琵琶》。打开他的 BANDCAMP 主页,三十多张专辑让人眼花缭乱,在惊叹他的高产的同时,也惊异于他对于音乐可能性探索的执着和态度。


他2006年 组建了“了不起的JSB!”乐队,进行世界音乐的探索。他们自称是地球上唯一一支“有着唱中文歌的法国主唱和巨大音乐包容性的乐队”。


2013 年,他组建了一支新的乐队“张思安与乐队”(Djang San + Band),进行更广泛的音乐探索。这支乐队的风格很难被定义,它包含着车库、民谣、实验、爵士、电子、等等。



« Seoul Music Week » 并在日本出了一张 CD.


Ko is the pseudonym of Kristin Newborn: vocalist, guitarist, and downright badass. From the age of 18, Kristin was classically trained by a religious cult performing arts group in LA. No foolin’. But as fucked up as that experience must have been, Kristin emerged victorious. A native of Indianapolis and Chicago by way of Los Angeles, Kristin first began writing under the name Ko in the spring of 2012, after the demise of her first group Slothpop. Shortly thereafter she enlisted Todd Heaton to play percussion for the live shows and later recordings. KO has had many different line ups since, playing as full band with many talented rotating musicians. Her solo shows are just as captivating as she loops guitar and vocals making a glorious, euphoric wall of sound.

The Loreli Flee Market !

Held on the 20 of January afternoon at Yue Space before the music kicks in, the Loreli Market is a great way to find out about Beijing based artists as well !

Anna Gale is an American illustrator/painter/zinester/print maker residing in Beijing. Her works range from one-off hand-painted patches, postcard and poster prints to zines. She is heavily influenced by the art of traditional tattoo design, and day-to-day sketches, portraits, and doodles. The newest addition to her collection is the first issue of a zine titled “Bury the Bone”, which takes you on a journey to places you’ve been, only heard of, or never known to exist.

Liuba Draws is an independent artist/illustrator from Russia based in Beijing. Living in Beijing for more than four years now, it has become a new home for Liuba, with amazing experiences and a deep love for a city, which she wants to share with everyone. People both visiting or living in China are excited to discover all the quirky things they love about this country hidden in the art of Liuba Draws.

Liuba Draws 是独立插画师/艺术家,来自俄罗斯住北京。Liuba主要使⽤用⽔水粉画的形式和技巧来表现她眼中的北北京⽂文化和北北京⼈人。经过6年年有余的北北京⽣生活,这⾥里里俨然已经成为了了Liuba的第⼆二故乡。带着对这个城市深切的热爱,她决定通过⾃自⼰己的画笔与⼤大家分享这份深情。⽆无论你是否了了解北北京 — Liuba的笔触都能带着你的视⻆角纵览这个⽂文化与⺠民俗兼容并蓄的千年年古城。


Aurélien Foucault is a photographer whose style oscillates between documentary and fine art. The wide range of his work may take you from late-night punk bars to artistic nudes or the peaceful mountains of Xinjiang.

Fei Fei is an illustrator and artist living and working in Beijing.

Kambina Elena.

Painter, drawer, artist of performance, installations, video-art, curator. Participant of many international exhibitions and projects.

Teo Charalambidis is a Greek painter and designer with several personal exhibitions in his home country. His works range from oil and acrylic paintings, collage, postcard art and more, and his influences are various as hagiography, mythology and contemporary social


ARM:不自由插画/你要的姿势我都有. Freelance illustrator, ask me anything.

呆萌的Demon,插画师,平面设计师. Demon, illustrator and designer.


Teresa Moya.

And many more !


Temple this friday ! Japan & Korea solo tour in December.

I will be in Korea and Japan for the release of the album “Tofu Electrique” for the first time on CD in Japan through a Japanese label.

The tour starts at Temple bar on the 1 of December as Djang San + Band with the amazing Philippe Mège on bass and the outstanding Nicolas Mège on drums.

See you soon !



New album and new video out “Red Lips” and more.

Available for download Here.

Recorded in Beijing in October 2017.

First Video “Beijing Autumn”




“What You Want”, the latest Djang San + Band album, is now available worldwide on all platforms including China, Taiwan etc.

Here is an interview made by a Chinese media about the launch of the album in China. It’s both in Chinese and English.



张思安与乐队这次出的新专辑叫“What You Want”

这张专辑在张思安发明和设计的电中阮和电琵琶演奏的音乐上有了进一步拓展。当中的鼓手是来自美国加利福尼亚州的Carlo V.Fuentes, 贝斯手是来自澳大利亚的Clancy Lethbridge。


这次的创作通过“What you want”和“Rainbow Machine”此类歌曲呈现Funk风格,“Lava”和“Monster Following me”呈现迷幻摇滚,“Emotional Blackmail”呈现了Punk风格,以及“Tron”表现了流行音乐风格。

张思安与乐队通过这张专辑也继续发展另类的世界音乐。比如“Sakura’s Bolero” 是《拉威尔的波莱罗》和 《樱花歌》 的混合,“Asian Flower” 是民谣,电子乐和摇滚的另类混合。

“What You Want”, recorded with Carlo V.Fuentes on drums and Clancy Lehtbridge on bass, two exceptional musicians from California and Australia, goes once more further into the use of electric zhongruan and electric pipa, both designed by French musician Djang San, pushing those two Chinese classical music instruments again beyond their supposed limits into more musical styles.

Djang San + Band pushed this time into funk with songs like “What You Want” and “Rainbow Machine”, progressive rock with songs like “Lava” and “Monster Following Me”, psychedelic rock “Beloved Monster”, punk “Emotional Blackmail”, and pop “Tron”.

The band, also keeps on exploring World Music in a different way with such tracks as “Sakura’s Bolero” inspired by Ravel’s Bolero and mixed with famous Japanese classical music theme Sakura, and “Asian Flower”, which also brings some electronic music ideas into the mix.

采 访

听说新专辑中你有使用自己发明和设计的电中阮和电琵琶,要知道中阮是一个中国人都不太熟悉的中国传统乐器,你是怎么有机会接触到了中国的传统乐器并进行音乐创作的?张思安:到目前为止,我已经做了40张唱片,这不是我第一张用中阮和电琵琶录制的专辑。实际上我是在2000 – 2001年买了一个中阮的时候开始作曲的。是的,我创造了电子中阮和电琵琶,我这样做是为了给这些乐器一个不同的音乐生命,并将其发展到现代音乐中。2000年,当我第一次来到中国的时候,我听到了中阮作为京剧背景音乐的使用乐器之一。我看到了它作为一个乐队的主要乐器的潜力。看完演出后,我去了几家北京的乐器商店,最后终于找到了一个。这么多年来,我在中国的舞台上演奏中阮,大多数观众都不知道这是一种中国乐器,他们会以为这是一种法国乐器。于是我决定使用中阮和其他中国乐器,比如琵琶、葫芦丝等,它们让我看到了音乐不同的可能性。我16岁的时候开始弹吉他,发现了中阮之后觉得可以做新的音乐,也开始用中文唱歌。觉得自己做了一些不同的事情,并引入了一个新的音乐理念。不过当我开始这样做的时候,所有人都不感兴趣,但我觉得自己是在为音乐创造一个新的方向,因为一个乐队的中心竟然不是吉他哈哈哈,中阮在世界上大多数人并不知道,而且在中国大多数人已经忘记了。你要知道,2000年和2001年的中国是非常不一样的。当我第一次来到北京的时候,中国的发展才刚起步。我觉得很有趣,我可以在音乐的发展中扮演一个角色。

Heard that you have to use their invention and design in the new album of electricity in ruan and electricity pipa, ruan is turn out to be a Chinese people are not very familiar with Chinese traditional musical instrument, what do you have access to the Chinese traditional instruments and music creation?

I have done 40 albums so far, this is not the first album I record using the electric  zhongruan and electric pipa. I actually started to compose music with a zhongruan as soon as I  bought one in 2000-2001.

Yes I have created electrified versions of the zhongruan and the pipa. I did that in order to give these instruments a different musical life and expand there possibilities into modern music.

I started playing zhongruan after I went to the Beijing Opera when I first came to China in the year 2000. I saw the zhongruan was one of the instruments used in the background and I saw the potential of that instrument as a leading instrument in a band. After seeing the performance I went to several music shops in Beijing in order to find a zhongruan and finally found one.

For many years I played that instrument on stage in China and most people in the audience didn’t know it was a Chinese instrument, they would often ask me if it was a French instrument.

I decided to use the zhongruan and other Chinese instruments like the pipa, the hulusi etc. because I saw an opportunity to do something different.

I started playing guitar when I was 16 and I saw in the zhongruan, and in singing in Chinese, a way to do something different in the world, and to introduce a new idea of music.

So yes, when I started doing that, no-one in or outside of China was really interested, I was pionneering a new idea and felt like I was creating a new direction for music, with at the center of a band, not a guitar, but a different instrument, an instrument most people in the world didn’t know about at that time, and most people in China had forgotten about.

You have to understand that China in 2000 and China in 2017 are very different places. When I arrived the first time in Beijing, everything still had to be done, and development in China was really just at its beginning.

I found it interesting I could play a role in that development with music.





Now that China’s young people seem to be paying less attention to China’s traditional culture, do you think these attempts at music will refocus their attention on traditional Chinese culture?

The music I do is a mix between East and West in many different manners, it includes elements of music from the East and the West, musical styles like rock music, jazz, electronic music, which are styles

that everybody knows and listens too anywhere in the world.

Because I can both use the zhongruan and pipa in there taditionnal way, but also in a modern way I have created through a lot of experimentation, I think my music can attract people from all ages and origins.

Most people in the world have forgotten about all these ancient instruments, but to me the past and the future are all related. We think of the guitar as a cool intrument because we have heard so much music done with it and know so many bands that used it that it becomes natural for us to like it and think it’s cool. To me there is always a need for new ideas and change in everything, using these Chinese instruments is a way for me to create change and to show we all are just people, wherever we are from.



张思安:我第一次来中国的时候是在2000年,一位朋友向我介绍了北京地下音乐酒吧,像幸运酒吧,What酒吧或CD咖啡馆,我认识了谢天笑、小河、, 野孩子, Honey Guns,瘦人乐队,万晓利,王娟,二手玫瑰,声音碎片,郭龙,张玮玮,布衣乐队和许多其他人。

在2001 – 2002年的那个时候,我每周三都在河酒吧玩,有时周末也会过去这些音乐人在一起,他们对我产生了很深的影响。当时几乎没有人唱中文歌,而在法国,大多数摇滚乐队都用英语演唱,所以我决定用中文演唱,因为我认为这将是一个新的创意。


Do you have any favorite Chinese musicians? What do you think this musician gave you on music?

When I first came in 2000, a friend introduced me to the Beijing Undergound Music scene and I went to venues that existed at the time like the River bar, Get Lucky bar, What bar or CD Café where I saw bands and musicians like Xie Tian Xiao, Xiao He, the Wild Children, Honey Guns, Thin Man, Wan Xiao Li, Wang Juan, Second Hand Roses, Sound Fragments, Guo Long, Zhang Wei Wei, Buyi and many others.

At that time in 2001-2002 I was playing every wednesday at the River bar and sometimes on the weekend too. I used to jam with these musicians as well and as a young guy that had a deep influence on me.

At that time almost no-one was singing in Chinese and in France most rock bands were singing in English so I decided to sing in Chinese as I thought it would be an original and fresh idea. I think I became one of the first French musicians to sing in Chinese at the time.

It’s also around that time that I started to use ancient Chinese poems in my music and I started to write folk songs in mandarin.

I also became very good friends with the drummer of the Wild Children at the time Xiao Peng, he gave me CD’s and tapes of Chinese music like Cui Jian, Heyong, Tang Dynasty etc, I then started to study the origin of rock music in China and even wrote a memoire about the origins of Chinese music and the use of the pentatonic for my 3rd year of University in Bordeaux. That’s also how I learnt Chinese, through Chinese rock music.




As a foreigner, what do you think about the atmosphere of China’s independent music?

When I first came in 2000, there was only one music festival in China, the Midi Festival, and there was only one magazine about music, the Modern Sky magazine. A lot of things still had to develop on the music side, when I see all these festivals today, I think the progress is pretty impressive. A lot of things still have to improve but I think it’s achievable.




 If you use a French cuisine to describe your music, what do you think it would be? Why is that?

I really have no idea about that. French South West Foie Gras maybe ? (haha)




Which cities have you visited in China, where are the most fascinating cities?

In all the years I have been in China I have been almost everywhere except for Tibet.I like the south more I think, but I like Beijing for the musical possibilities the city offers.



张思安:每当我有空闲时间的时候我就会经常记录,它是我生活的一部分。这张专辑有点不同,因为它是我用Carlo V录制的最后一张专辑。Fuentes和Clancy Lethbrige作为乐队的鼓手和贝斯手。在这张专辑中,有比以前的专辑更多的合作歌曲,这比我过去所做过的很多专辑都要多。

这张专辑还将电子中阮和电琵琶带入了新的音乐风格,如流行音乐、FUNK、前卫摇滚、迷幻摇滚、朋克和古典音乐。我们在北京的Psychic Kong studio工作室录制了这张专辑,这也是我们录制《电豆腐》的地方,以及专辑《桥》。

You have done 40 albums, why have you done so many ? What can you tell us about this new album ? How is it different from the 39 you have done before this one ?

I constantly record, anytime I have free time, I need it as part of my life.This album is a little bit different because it was the last one I recorded with Carlo V.Fuentes and Clancy Lethbrige as drummers and bass player for the band.On this album there are more collaborative tracks than on precedent album, it’s more a group effort than a lot of albums I have done in the past.

The album also takes the electric zhongruan and electric pipa into new musical styles such as pop music, funk, progressive rock, psychedelic rock, punk, and classical music.We recorded the album at Psychic Kong studio in Beijing, that’s also where we recorded « Tofu Electrique » as well as the album « Bridges ».


这张专辑融合了很多不同的风格和元素,所以专辑的名字叫 What You Want是想表达各种风格总有一首是你想要的吗?


标题背后的另一个想法是,这一次我们想要录制更符合大众口味的音乐。在专辑《电豆腐》、《Eye.爱.Ai.I》和《桥》等专辑中,我认为Djang San +乐队确实展示了中国电子乐器的可能性。《What You Want》专辑更多的是关于不那么实验性的,听起来更入耳,让这些乐器成人们更熟悉的流行音乐和另类摇滚的音乐风格,像《Tron》或《Beloved Monster 》。

我们还探索了像《Rainbow Machine》这种有趣的风格。还有迷幻和前卫摇滚的风格,像《Monster Following Me》和《Lava》和《What You Want》。

当然,我们并没有忘记我们的民谣和世界音乐的根源,比如《Asian Flower 》和《Sakura’s Bolero 》。我记得当我们在北京的苹果社区写了歌《 Asian Flower 》,我们围成一个圈, Carlo打电子鼓,Clancy弹贝斯,我玩中阮一句话也没说,音乐的魔力就这么发生了。

This album is a combination of many different styles and elements, so the name of the album is What You Want to express all kinds of styles and there is one thing You Want?

Aha, no. There are several meanings behind the title.This album is more a collaborative album in between three musicians that have met in the Beijing music scene, so it is more about what the three of us wanted that only about only my vision of music.

Another idea behind the title is that this time we wanted to record music that was more accesible to everybody’s ears.With albums like « Tofu Electrique », « Eye » and « Bridges » I think Djang San + Band really showed the possibilities of electrified Chinese instruments.

The « What You Want » album is more about being less experimental and more listenner friendly, to get those instruments into music styles that people are more familiar with like pop and alternative rock with tracks like « Tron » or « Beloved Monster ».We also explored humor with a track like « Rainbow Machine ».There’s also psychedelic and progressive rock in there with tracks like « Monster Following Me » and « Lava » and funk with the « What You Want » song.

Of course we didn’t forget our folk and world music roots with tracks such as « Asian Flower » and « Sakura’s Bolero ».I remember when we created the song « Asian Flower » we were at Clancy’s appartment in Pingguo Shiqu in Beijing, we sat down in a circle with Carlo on electronic drums and Clancy on bass, I was playing zhongruan and without a word we let the magic of music happen.




Will the music creation continue to revolve around electricity and electric pipa? What do you think is the potential of these two instruments?

What’s fun about music is that it’s never over, there is always something to explore.By using Chinese classical instruments I have been able to break cultural and musical bounderies and I will go on doing so. In the future I might concentrate on other instruments but right now I am still having a lot of fun with what I’m doing.








How do you know the drummers and bass players who found this collaboration from the United States and Australia? Why not choose to cooperate with Chinese musicians?

I met Carlo who is from California randomly in a bar in Beijing in 2012 or 2013 and he introduced me later to Clancy who is from Australia when we were on tour in South Korea.

That first time in South Korea the first bass player of the band, a very talented man going by the name of Stefano Latorre had to go back to Italy, so the change from Stefano to Clancy happened very naturally as they were both there on that first tour of South Korea.

Something clicked when we met I think. We went to South Korea again and Japan on tour after that, none of us needed a visa to go there, that also made it easier to organize.

I used to play with a Chinese drummer in my former band « The Amazing Insurance Salesmen », we won the Global Battle of the Bands in Mainland China and Hong Kong in 2010-2011, it was a cool experience.

I also used to play with musicians from Xinjiang.I will probably do collaborations with Chinese musicians as well in the future, all possibilities are open.

Djang San + Band will be playing on the 1 of December at Temple Bar in Beijng.

As Clancy and Carlo are not in China anymore I am now playing with two French musicians who are also very talented.

In December I will go tour in Japan as a « One Man Live Orchestra » to promote the album « Tofu Electrique » which will be released in Japan for the first time in CD format。



张思安:Djang San +乐队将于12月1日在北京的坛酒吧演奏。由于Clancy和Carlo不在中国,我会和两位法国音乐家一起演奏,他们也很有天赋。12月,我将在日本以单人现场乐队的表演来推广《电豆腐》这张专辑,这张专辑将会是第一次以cd形式在日本发售的专辑。


What are your plans for the future ?

Djang San + Band will be playing on the 1 of December at Temple Bar in Beijng.As Clancy and Carlo are not in China anymore I am now playing with two French musicians who are also very talented.

In December I will go tour in Japan as a « One Man Live Orchestra » to promote the album « Tofu Electrique » which will be released in Japan for the first time in CD format.

Upcoming concert

40th album out! Quadruple Album “Cigarettes-Dust-Bricks-Alcohol”

40th album out! Quadruple Album “Cigarettes-Dust-Bricks-Alcohol”. A true composer never stops.

In order to celebrate 40 albums of music Djang San has decided to record a quadruple album.

Each side of the album includes ten compositions never released before.


The album’s music manages to integrate once again the electric pipa and electric zhongruan into new music styles and ideas, but it also includes a lot of guitar based tracks.

“Cigarettes-Dust-Bricks-Alcohol” was recorded by Djang San in Beijing from January to July 2017.

99% of the music on the album was recorded with Djang San playing all instruments including drums, bass, guitar, electric zhongruan, electric pipa, keyboard, vocals etc.

The album is divided in 4 parts, each part representing an impression of life in the capital of the most populated country in the world.

Each side of the album also represents a season, Summer for “Cigarettes”,  Autumn for “Bricks”, Spring for “Dust” and Winter for “Alcohol”.

The album’s tracks are mainly instrumental and experimental at times, also gathering field recordings made here and there in the last few months.

For best comfort in the experience, please listen to the 4 parts individually and one day after another, but not all at once.



See you soon !


https://www.facebook.com/groups/beijingundergrou nd/



Reportage d’un journal chinois en anglais sur le festival Beijing Underground organisé par Djang San en Juin-Juillet 2017.

Reportage en français sur la musique de Djang San et sa vie à Pékin (2017).

Vidéo “What You Want” pour le nouvel album “What You Want” (2017).


Un dinosaure attaque Pékin ! “Yellow Fog” de l’album “The Fog in Our Hearts” sorti en 2016.


“She’s a Witch” de l’album “Tofu électrique” sorti en 2014.


“Je ne sais pas ce que c’est que ce truc” 我不知道这是什么东西。De l’album “Mandarin(e) Jazz” sorti en 2011.


“Music Dumplings”, vidéo psychédélique d’un français vivant à Pékin. De l’album “Music Dumplings” sorti en 2014.


“Gobi” Live à Bordeaux en 2017.

Tournée au Japon en 2016 sur le morceau “Bridges” de l’album “Bridges (part1)”.


Vidéo de la tournée solo en Corée du Sud en 2016 sur un morceau improvisé enregistré dans la ville de Busan. Morceau présent sur l’album “The Fog in our Hearts”.


“Lighter-Goodbye”, vidéo expérimentale pour l’album “I Love Cigars” sorti en 2016.


“I have gum in my hair” de l’album “Cigarettes” sorti en 2017 montrant des images de la tournée solo et en groupe en Corée du Sud et à la Seoul Music Week.


40th album out! Quadruple Album “Cigarettes-Dust-Bricks-Alcohol”. A true composer never stops.

40th album out! Quadruple Album “Cigarettes-Dust-Bricks-Alcohol”. A true composer never stops.

In order to celebrate 40 albums of music Djang San has decided to record a quadruple album.

Each side of the album includes ten compositions never released before.


The album’s music manages to integrate once again the electric pipa and electric zhongruan into new music styles and ideas, but it also includes a lot of guitar based tracks.

“Cigarettes-Dust-Bricks-Alcohol” was recorded by Djang San in Beijing from January to July 2017.

99% of the music on the album was recorded with Djang San playing all instruments including drums, bass, guitar, electric zhongruan, electric pipa, keyboard, vocals etc.

The album is divided in 4 parts, each part representing an impression of life in the capital of the most populated country in the world.

Each side of the album also represents a season, Summer for “Cigarettes”,  Autumn for “Bricks”, Spring for “Dust” and Winter for “Alcohol”.

The album’s tracks are mainly instrumental and experimental at times, also gathering field recordings made here and there in the last few months.

For best comfort in the experience, please listen to the 4 parts individually and one day after another, but not all at once.



See you soon !


https://www.facebook.com/groups/beijingundergrou nd/


New Djang San + Band album “What You Want” out now.



New Djang San + Band album “What You Want” out now !

Check the album and buy it here:


Listen to it and/or buy it !

If you buy the entire album you will get a free track sent to you automatically !

“What You Want”, recorded with Carlo V.Fuentes on drums and Clancy Lehtbridge on bass, two exceptional musicians from California and Australia, goes once more further into the use of electric zhongruan and electric pipa, both designed by French musician Djang San, pushing those two Chinese classical music instruments again beyond their supposed limits into more musical styles.

Djang San + Band pushed this time into funk with songs like “What You Want” and “Rainbow Machine”, progressive rock with songs like “Lava” and “Monster Following Me”, psychedelic rock “Beloved Monster”, punk “Emotional Blackmail”, and pop “Tron”. 

The band, also keeps on exploring World Music in a different way with such tracks as “Sakura’s Bolero” inspired by Ravel’s Bolero and mixed with famous Japanese classical music theme Sakura, and “Asian Flower”, which also brings some electronic music ideas into the mix. 

We have also two new videos for you ! Here they are:

“What You Want”, first extract of the new album was shot at Temple Bar in Beijing by Laurent Hou and edited by Djang San.


Chinese Internet:


“She’s a Witch”, a song from Djang San + Band album “Tofu électrique” gets a first video. The video’s graphic atmosphere and 3D was all created by French 3D artist Jean-Marc Laurent.

Version 1:


Chinese internet:


Version 2:



Djang San + Band will be playing as part of the “Beijing Underground Sweet Summer Music Days” this Sunday 2 of July at Yue Space alongside WHAI, Su & The Paramecia, Macondo and Coupla Cups.

Hope to see you there !

See you soon !



Djang San and Djang San + Band on TV, South Korea tour and Seoul Music Week coming up too.

CCTV-F just finished a 15 minutes documentary on my music and was nice enough to send me the video file. I have published it on Facebook and Youtube last night, as well as Tudou today.

Here are the links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/djangsan/videos/10155261120198934/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c3JPRx-_a0&t=1s






A while ago Djang San + Band played on CCTV3, to my surprise the show also had a part of it that was a quiz and they made me win a microwave….

Here are the links for that:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/djangsan/videos/10155141731833934/

CCTV3: http://tv.cctv.com/2015/11/27/VIDE1448628519939172.shtml

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnaaCv7bIW4&t=3s

This is about the 5th documentary (if I remember clearly) done by medias in China about Djang San or Djang San + Band music.

You can check more of these around on the internet.

Djang San + Band will be at the Seoul Music Week in May, we will also play a few other dates and I will also play solo in a few places including Busan in a tour.

Don’t hesitate to pass the info around !


See you soon !

