Djang San + Band

Djang San + Band is built around the electric pipa and electric zhongruan, two ancient instruments Djang San electrified for the first time in the 2000’s to integrate them in modern music and change the history of these instruments forever.

Re-inventor of Chinese classical instruments zhongruan and pipa, composer, guitar hero, DJ, one man orchestra, music pioneer and explorer of new sounds, Djang San has been doing music in Asia since the year 2000. An artist with many faces, Djang San has also won the battle of the bands in Mainland China and Hong Kong against about 100 bands in the year 2011.

Djang San has so far released 40 albums, the music styles of the albums range from Jazz to electro, rock, classical music, experimental music and more. Creator of a theory of intelligence, the personality of Djang San takes many different shapes in his many different projects.Djang San has so far released 40 albums, the music styles of the albums range from Jazz to electro, rock, classical music, experimental music and more. Creator of a theory of intelligence, the personality of Djang San takes many different shapes in his many different projects.

Djang San was also nominated as « Best Folk Singer of the Year » by China Radio International in 2014.

Djang San + Band is an extension of Djang San, a trio based on electric versions of Chinese instruments zhongruan and pipa he has created himself.

Djang San has played in Korea and Japan in 2015 and 2016 and also at the Seoul Music week in Seoul, South Korea in May 2017.

Djang San + Band has played countless festivals in China and Asia and will go on playing around the world.


Le groupe Djang San + Band a été créé en 2013 autour des instruments zhongruan électrique et pipa électrique, deux instruments chinois anciens électrifiés par Djang San dans les années 2000 et intégrés pour la première fois par ses soins dans la musique moderne telle que le jazz, le rock, le rap, l’électro, l’expérimentale, changeant ainsi le cours de leur histoire.

Djang San – de son vrai nom Jean-Sébastien Héry – est un artiste connu et reconnu de la scène musicale chinoise. Écouter un de ses albums est une expérience particulière. Loin de la pop chinoise et de la variété anglo-saxonne et françaises diffusées sur les radios, ce Bordelais de 37 ans a développé un style très personnel. Il définit lui-même sa musique comme un

« croisement interstellaire entre la culture occidentale, chinoise, la musique classique, le rock, le jazz, l’électro et la musique expérimentale. » Son style est en effet inclassable. Le nom d’un de ses albums Music Dumplings (Raviolis de Musique) est un peu une métaphore de ce style hétéroclite, mais néanmoins cohérent : chaque album, chaque morceau a sa propre saveur, mais ils se complètent pour former un ensemble aussi riche et varié que l’est la culture de son pays d’adoption, la Chine.

Ré-inventeur électrique des instruments chinois Pipa et Zhongruan, il a permis une renaissance de ces instruments en Chine dans la modernité à travers le jazz, le rock, la musique folk, la musique électronique, la musique

expérimentale et bien d’autres styles.

Après plus de 40 albums Djang San continu à enregistrer inlassablement.

Djang San a été nominé pour le prix de “chanteur folk de l’année” par China Radio International en 2014.

Djang San a joué en Corée du Sud plusieurs fois pour le Zandari Festa et a également fais plusieurs tournée dans le pays, notamment pour la Seoul Music Week de 2017 et a joué au Japon en 2016 au WMDF Festival.

Zhang Si’an at Yugong Yishan in Beijing in 2008

Zhang Si’an (Jean-Sébastien Héry, Djang San) est sans doute l’un des premier étranger, en Chine, à avoir tenté l’expérience du chant et de la musique en chinois. Il est aussi probablement le premier non-chinois à composer à l’aide d’un instrument lui, bien chinois, le « Zhongruan » et à utilisé ce même instrument pour jouer du Jazz.

La musique de Jean-Sébastien Héry est aujourd’hui Electro-Folk, mélangeant musique folk chinoise, instruments chinois, guitare folk, paroles en chinois, anglais et français, et sons électroniques.

En solo, sur scène, Jean-Sébastien construit sous les yeux des spectateurs les morceaux piste par piste.

Zhang Si’an at the Midi festival in Beijing in 2008

En 2000, lorsqu’il vient pour la première fois à Pékin, il écrit sa première chanson en chinois. De nombreux albums, partiellement ou complètement en chinois, suivront.

En cette même année 2000, il fait la rencontre de la plupart des musiciens et groupes de musique locaux de l’époque et participe à l’occasion avec eux à des boeufs musicaux qui se finissent tôt le petit matin: « Wild Children », « Second Hand Roses », « Xiaohe », « Buyi », « Cold Blooded Animal », « Wang Juan », « Wan Xiaoli »…En 2002, il décide de rester à Pékin pour une longue durée et joue tous les mercredi soir au « River », détruit en 2003, qui est à l’époque au centre de la vie musicale underground de la capitale chinoise.

Voyageant presque constamment en Chine entre 2000 et 2004 (Beijing, Shanghai, Lanzhou, Xinjiang, Taiwan…), Zhang Si’an expérimente toutes sortes de musiques, folk, rock et électro.

De retour en France en 2003, il enregistre son premier album totalement ou partiellement en chinois « Lotus ». Cet album lui est inspiré par son voyage avec les membres du groupe « Wild Children » et le leader du groupe « Water Pushing Melon » à Lanzhou. Ils grimpent ensemble le mont Lotus, dans le sud du Gansu, (Lian Hua Shan) pour aller y écouter les chants des minorités ethniques locales.

L’album inclut un remix des chants de Lian Hua Shan, ainsi qu’un morceau que Zhang Si’an compose avec un instrument du Xinjiang, le « Rivapu ».

Zhang Si’an holding a Zhongruan

Dans ses albums suivants, « Is it China », et « Naixin », Zhang Si’an s’inspire de poésie chinoise classique et de sa propre imagination. Par exemple, les chansons « Jiefang wo » (« Naixin ») et « Jianlou house » (« Is it China ») sont des poèmes chinois anciens mis en musique. « Jiefang wo » correspond au poème « Tianjing sha qiu si » écrit sous la dynastie Yuan par le poète Ma Zhi Yuan, « Jianlou House » correspond au poème « Lou Shi Ming » écrit sous la dynastie Tang par le poète Liu Yuxi. Zhang Si’an est probablement le premier étranger à avoir utiliser des poêmes chinois classiques pour composer des chansons.

L’idée de l’album « Is it China » est de créer un mélange entre musique classique chinoise et musique moderne occidentale en utilisant des instruments chinois tel que le « Zhongruan » ou le « Hulusi » ainsi que l’ensemble rock traditionnel, guitare, basse, batterie. Sur cet album, Zhang Si’an enregistre tous les instruments lui-même. Il est aussi rejoint sur quelques morceaux par la chanteuse Liu Hong.

Zhang Si’an and Ubul Tursten from Xinjiang at the Ditan park festival in Beijing in 2010

L’album suivant, « Naixin », plus acoustique et intimiste, est une série de compositions à la guitare et au zhongruan, avec quelques accents blues et électro.

En 2007, la sculpteuse « Chen Zhuo » demande à Zhang Si’an d’écrire une musique pour son exposition « Born in the 80’s » qui a lieu à Tianjin la même année. De cette collaboration naîtra « Rêves d’enfance », mini album de musique d’ambiance.

En 2006, alors qu’il revient s’installer à Pékin, Zhang Si’an fait la rencontre d’un percussionniste du Ghana, Sunny Dee (qui créera plus tard le groupe « Afrokoko Roots ») et de Benny Oyama, jeune guitariste américain de génie. A eux trois ils créent le groupe « The Incredible JSB! », dont le principe musical tourne autour de l’improvisation rythmique et jazz sur des paroles en chinois. De cette collaboration naîtra un album « Mad in China » et deux live.

Zhang Si’an and his Zhongruan

Poster for a concert at Jianghu bar in Beijing in 2010″




他无疑大大革新了这一中国传统乐器的使用。乐队整体风格多样,像是带有中国风格的民谣,兼具摇滚、爵士、电子等其他乐风。张思安原名让-塞巴斯蒂安·艾利。他于2000年踏上中国的土地。2010年,他以“保险超人乐队”参加了中国摇滚大赛, 并在中国大陆和香港地区赢得冠军。他一直在电子和实验音乐领域孜孜不倦地探索。他的音乐很难归类。他是第一个用中阮作曲的外国人,也是第一位使用这一乐器演奏爵士乐和摇滚乐 的音乐家。



张思安把这样一种大多数国人都没听说过的乐器玩出了花。2013 年,他发行了一张中阮合集。听着他操着一口还算流利的中文,缓缓弹着中国传统民族乐器,唱着简单朴实的中文歌词,真是一种神奇的体验。他还有许多有趣的个人项目,比如向 8-bit 致敬的《8 Bit Boy》,还有电琵琶实验专辑《试验电琵琶》。打开他的 BANDCAMP 主页,三十多张专辑让人眼花缭乱,在惊叹他的高产的同时,也惊异于他对于音乐可能性探索的执着和态度。


他2006年 组建了“了不起的JSB!”乐队,进行世界音乐的探索。他们自称是地球上唯一一支“有着唱中文歌的法国主唱和巨大音乐包容性的乐队”。


2013 年,他组建了一支新的乐队“张思安与乐队”(Djang San + Band),进行更广泛的音乐探索。这支乐队的风格很难被定义,它包含着车库、民谣、实验、爵士、电子、等等。


张思安与乐队最近去了韩国和日本的音乐节演出,2017年5月份又参加了韩国的« Seoul Music Week » .

Zhang Si’an at Yugong Yishan in Beijing in 2008


他03年开始弹中国的一个民族乐器,中阮. 现在他用中阮弹各种风格的音乐.
他的 Summertime 的版本很特别因为张思安是第一个用中阮弹爵士的人。


















张思安如是说。 对于一个做了10多年音乐的音乐人来说,











三人组成“保险超人乐队”(The amazing insurance salesmen




并开始参加不同的音乐节并录制了他们自己的EP “Escape”















2000年张思安第一次来中国,并写了他的第一首中文歌。而后他又写了8张中文或部分中文的专辑 。


王娟、万 晓利……。


那张专辑由莲花山民谣重新混合而成,其中一 首歌是由新疆乐器Rivapu演奏的。

张思安把中国古诗加入到他的音乐当中。歌曲《陋室铭》(Jianlou house)和《天净沙·秋思》(Free me)便是很好的例子。

张思安也为他不同的乐队创作法文,西语或英语的歌曲。其中一些歌曲是 用中国乐器(中阮,葫芦丝等等)或吉他演奏的,

The electric “Mini Guzheng” is here !

The electric “Mini Guzheng” is here !

The electric “Mini Guzheng” is here.

As a musician I believe there is no limit to what music can be and that new sounds can always be explored and created.

When musical electrification happened with the guitar becoming the electric guitar in the 50s and 60s, the bass becoming the electric bass etc, people were mainly trying to make these instruments louder. Then effects were created, effects like the univibe, distorsion, reverb, delay, wah wah etc… and new sounds were created.

By looking at the evolution of instruments such as the guitar and the electric guitar, we can go back to the past and explore new sounds by creating the same evolution for other instruments.

I have designed the electric “Mini Guzheng” following the same idea that led me to electrify the Zhongruan and the Pipa.
This latest creation is an extension of my musical vision to electrify ancient instruments and give them a life into modern music

By applying a known concept to different things, it is possible to create new things and new directions.

Though there are existing electric versions of the regular sized guzheng (koto in japanese, Gayageum in Korean) this particular version is made to be played with guitar pedals so as to integrate the instrument easily into modern music. This is why the instrument as it is now was modified using parts from electric guitars, just like I did it for the Electric Zhongruan and the Electric Pipa.

I stumbled upon this “mini” version by accident in a music shop in Beijing and had never seen such a small version of it, finding this instrument made me decide to finally make an electrified version of it, which is something I have had in mind since 2013.

The electrification of ancient instruments and there re-integration into modern music as the center of it also follows my philosophy of mixing cultures in trying to create a ground for a dialogue and an evolution into music.

I will soon record an album using this instrument to show the extent of the sounds that can be produced with it in its electric version.

Here is a 2 min video on youtube of me trying out effects on the electrified “Mini Guzheng”.

My latest version of the “Electric Zhongruan” at the Taichung International Jazz Festival in October 2019.

The Electric Pipa” at the FDLM festival in Beijing in June 2018.

If you are curious about what I have done with the Pipa and the Zhongruan, you can check my bandcamp, and buy my albums to support my next creations ! Here are my next concerts in Beijing:

You can come to Temple on the 1 of February and come listen to the trio with Jukka Ahonen on bass and Hugo Radyn on drums.

Or come listen to the trio wiht Jukka Ahonen on bass and Nicolas Mège on drums at Modernista on the 7 of February.

Or come listen to my rock band “Bob Dupont & The Outstanding Vegan Bankers” at Temple as well on the 29 of January. I play electric guitar in this band and we just released a new album “Dancing to the voice of a dead man” which you can get for free on our bandcamp here:
You can also get it by scanning the QR code on the poster. And you can also buy it !

Happy New Year of the rat !

自然音乐·觉士乐19/1/16 : No1 Natural Music · Jue Shi Music 19/1/16: No1 New album 新专辑

New album out, listen to it here.

自然音乐·觉士乐19/1/16 : No1 – Natural Music · Jue Shi Music 19/1/16: No1

Recorded in Beijing in January 2019, this album is a collaboration in between several artists living in China. The music was improvised on the spot in a studio in Song Zhuang, Beijing, under the concept of “Natural Music” developed by artist and musician Chen Zhi Peng.

Produced by Chen Zhi Peng 制作人陈志鹏
Mixed and Mastered by Djang San
Cover photo by Clancy Lethbridge

Djang San is playing Zhongruan here.


Here are all the other artists on the record:

Chen Zhipeng

Natural artist, international musician, natural music promoter, and natural parenting education advocate.

Born in a family heavily involved with art and education, he grew up in a literary environment studying Eastern and Western art from an early age. He has participated in and promoted the development of folk songs, world music, cross-border culture and art in China.

He has been engaged in the research, creation and education of natural music art, and established the “Natural Music Center”, the “Music Sound” cultural communication, and the “Nature Perception”, a Chinese brand that promotes natural art and culture, natural parenting, and nature education. For many years, he has advocated and practiced the inheritance, creation, communication and cooperation of ancient and natural musical instruments. He has starred in domestic and international art films while also having created and produced music for film and television. He has been working with many of the world’s nations, world music and diverse arts for many years and is regularly invited to exchange on natural music art and culture around the world.


自然艺术家 国际音乐家 自然音乐发起人 自然养育教育倡导者

Bi Yuanfei:

In charge of percussion for the “Natural music culture” concept.

He graduated from the Art College of Inner Mongolia University and worked in the Cultural and Art Corps of the Mongolian Military Division of the Beijing Military Region. He has formed the Geer band, the Dewuhe band, and has cooperated with poet Mo Xizi, Lvxingzhe band and others.

He has a great ability in expressing emotions with rhythm with a unique insight into percussion. He agrees that, “life is a process of cultivation and drumming is also a process of self-care. I love natural music, to listen to the natural vibration frequency of the drums rhyme and to let the rhythm of the drums and the earth resonate with each other.”



Li Hong:

He’s a percussionist from China’s first generation of drummers.

“When I was a teenager, I studied percussion at the Beijing Children’s Palace Symphony Orchestra. At the age of 20, I began to learn drums.

After 1995, I created my own company to develop electronic drums. In 2003, I began to learn to promote African drums and other percussion instruments.”

In 2004, he participated in the Toning International Percussion Orchestra. In 2005, he signed a contract with SABIAN China, and in the same year participated in the establishment of Pearl International Percussion Culture Communication Center.

“In 2006, I began to study the use of environmentally friendly materials to make African drums until now. At the same time, I also studied synthetic materials to make Djembe drum skins, simulating the sound effect of animal skin.”

In 2009, he formed the band “Hoochie Coochie Gentleman” and served as a drummer. In the same year, he registered his own African drum brand “Zebra Djembe”. In recent years, he has mixed the art of multi-world root percussion by integrating it into the concept of “Natural Music”.


2006年开始研究用环保材料制做非洲鼓,直到现在。同时也在研究合成材料制做Djembe 鼓皮,模拟动物皮的声音效果。2009年组建浪荡绅士乐队,兼任鼓手,同年注册了自己的非洲鼓品牌Zebra Djembe。近年来,他将多元世界根源打击乐艺术融入到自然音乐现场。

Gu Tong “Drum boy”:

Director of the Instrument and culture department for the “Natural Music Sound” company.
Player of percussion and wind instruments.
Has established the earliest African drums orchestra in Beijing.

In 2017, after moving to Dali for more than ten years, he began to study the ancient Chinese harmony system and serves now as the director of musical instrument production for the core team of the “Natural Music” concept.



He Kai Ran:

Instrument director for the “Natural Music Center”.

He Kai Ran has studied orchestration and percussion at the Conservatory of Music in China.

He has participated in the 4th National Percussion Competition while he was still studying and won the gold medal in the professional category, which got him to win several scholarships.

He has participated in the special concert of the Youth Orchestra of the National Academy of Music, “Chunhua Qiushi”, of the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, participating in the performance of Bartok’s opera “Duke Bluebeard’s Caslte” directed by the famous conductor Tang Muhai, and participated in the opening and closing of the Tianjin May Music Festival many times.

On June 14, 2013, he successfully held a solo percussion solo concert.

Deeply in love with World Music he formed the World Fusion Music band “Samaga”. Over the years, he has collected and studied a lot of the World’s ethnic musical instruments. He also plays the Harmonica, the Mbira, and many other percussion instruments of different ethnies from around the world, and performs with many musicians from around the world.


He Kai Ran:Percussions / Kaval…

Ga Rang:

Born in 1975 in Ningxia Hui Minority Autonomous Region, Gansu Province.
Studied painting at the Northwest University for Minorities in 1999.
Came to Beijing in 2001
In 2007 also that year, he began to organize his folk songs.



Xiri Muren:

Independent Musician
Matouqin player, music producer.
He plays a combination of Mongolian traditional music and modern music.

He Graduated from the Music Department of Inner Mongolia University Music School in 2015, specializing in Matouqin performance.

He played for NMY Matouqin Orchestra, Devkh Band, Rid Band, Milk Tea Band, and Loud Music Orchestra.



Djang San on tour ! New albums out !

Djang San on tour ! New albums out !

Djang San and Djang San + Band will be touring in October in Taiwan and play at the Taichung International Jazz Festival and the Taipei World Music Festival with Nicolas Mège on drums and Pierre Billard on bass, don’t miss this !


Image may contain: one or more people and text

Link to the music here.

“Suputa Masala” (Dancing Together) is an album recorded in Hualien, Taiwan, and Beijing.

The voices on the recording come from the singing of the aboriginal kids of Hualien from the village of 白端部落 Bai Duan Bu Luo I have had the pleasure to collaborate with.

They sing in their own language.

I have later put together their singing with music I created around them.


“About a dream” are recordings based on drum patterns recorded by drummer Nicolas Mège in Beijing.

Link to the music here

Djang San + Band will play on the Main Stage at The Taichung International Jazz Festival on the 19 of October from 17:30 to 18:30.
You can check the whole program of the festival here, hope to see you there !

New Djang San album out “Straight Lines & Circles”

New album out today, the first of 3 coming out this month.
“Straight Lines & Circles”, hope you’ll like it. With Hugo Radyn on drums and
Clancy Oopow on two tracks on bass, he has also created the different covers you see below 🙂

Most of the tracks were created on drum compositions by Hugo Radyn.

Download it for free or give us whatever you want and support the band.

Get it for free or pay whatever you want to support the band

Here is the first music video for the album, for the track “Jungle Pipa”, filmed in Beijing on the 15 of July at 77 Theatre for the French Institute FDLM Festival.

In the West:

In China:

New Bob Dupont & The Vegan Bankers album out !

Bob Dupont & The Outstanding Vegan Bankers (from outer space) is a natural sequel to The Amazing Insurance Salesmen, the band that won the Global Battle of the Bands in 2010 in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao.

Listen to “Espace”, The Amazing Insurance Salesmen album here.

More about The Amazing Insurance Salesmen here:

The Amazing Insurance Salesmen

Bob Dupont is a vegan banker who doesn’t eat gluten, who plays guitar, parties hard, takes the money, and doesn’t see any contradictions in his life , a modern life man.

We hope these 11 tracks will transport you somewhere else and make you feel good, see you soon !


Don’t miss the release party for the album on the 22 of February at Modernista in Beijing.

New release “Upside Down Music”, free download.

Playing all instruments here including guitar, drums, bass, ruan, pipa and more.

Hope you’ll enjoy this one, you can download it for free from today and the next few days.

Track list:



Enjoy !

Strawberry Music Festival, La Plantation, and a New album out “Walk”.

Djang San + Band @ Strawberry Festival 29 April 2018:

Buy your tickets here:

More infos on La Plantation here, special acoustic concert there of Djang San + Band on the 27 April 2018:

New album: “Walk”:

2400 Meters High Improvised Music Session – New release from Djang San

Listen to the music and buy it Here. And Here Only !

In February I went for two weeks to Yunnan and travelled to the cities of Kunming, Lijiang, and Dali.

While in Lijiang I met with my friend David Bond who was recording piano and keyboard for the band “Zuoka” at there studio up on the hills from the old city of Lijiang. First, we had some tea  :-).

Xiaodong, the owner of the studio and leader of Zuoka asked me to play guitar on one of his songs, which I did, he then let David and I use the studio however we wanted for a few hours, which we did.  I first improvised a few drum tracks and added some bass lines to that.

David and I then improvised on that basis, with him on keyboard and me on electric guitar.

After being back to Beijing I added some sounds recorded here and there while jamming with local musicians in Kunming, Lijiang and Baisha. Those sounds are on the introduction of the tracks.

I also did a Music Video using the footage from that trip. Here it is:

On Youtube, On Facebook, On Tudou (Chinese Internet)

So to make it short, all the tracks you hear are just an Impromptu improvised recording session that happened in February 2018 at the Mado studio up there in the mountains near Tibet and the Himalayas.

Recorded in Lijiang, Yunnan, China.

Djang San: Electric guitar, Drums, Bass, additional orchestral arrangement.

David Bond: Keyboard and Piano.

Recorded by Wang Xiao Dong (王晓东) at Mado Studio in Lijiang, Yunnan (China).

Hope you like the music, please share and like !

Djang San.

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Youtube Channel 
Facebook Page:
Beijing Underground on Facebook
Beijing Underground official website: